Thursday, May 28, 2009

Installed Win7 and new features

Finally I installed the Win7 yesterday the new operating system from Microsoft.The machine was a AMD Athlon 4000 with 2GB Ram.And it is performing fine
Here are some of the features I noted immediately after installing
  • Better than Vista in performance
  • Virtual hard disk drive mounting support
  • Multitouch support
  • IE8
  • Media player 12
  • Virtual PC
  • New task bar navigation
Now its Win7 RC build it will expire on June 1 2010. Try yourself by downloading from here.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wolframalpha A Scientific search engine

More like a knowledge engine which analyze the search query and gives results according to that.

It gives you result differently.You can even save the results in a pdf file too.
Very useful for students in their research.Try the search "India and china"in Wolframalpha as well as Google and feel the difference.
Google just gives the links which are related to the words based on page rank where Wolframe gives compiled details about the search query.
The compiled result includes graphs to demonstrate the data in an understandable form.Try the bmi calculation by just giving the bmi keyword along with and your weight and height in any unit as follows
"bmi 180cm 80kg"

More examples here.
But if you are searching for the "Java" programming language by keyword Java,it will identify that as Java Island and give you the information about that Island.Hope they will add more intelligence to the search in future...

Since this uses some processing to identify the exact search query ,it won't give results if you give query in unicode Malayalam.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

11 Killer applications done in Microsoft surface

If you don't know what is surface please have a look here.

Here goes the list of 11 killer applications developed for surface.It contains applications which are done in my current company Identitymine.